Friday 24 July 2015

It's about LOVE- By Steven Camden

He's LUKE. She's LEIA. Just like in STAR WARS. Just like they're made for each other. Only this isn't a film. This is real life. This is where monsters from the past come back to take revenge. This is where you are sometimes the monster. And where the things we build to protect us, can end up doing the most harm... About new beginnings...About family...About revenge...ABOUT LOVE.

Title: It's about LOVE
Author: Steven Camden
Genre: Teen Fiction/Romance
Pages: 437

Three words: Emotional, realistic, beautiful

It's safe to say, this book is a piece of art. If I'm honest, the beginning of the book did not give me much hope, but as the story progressed and more was revealed, I soon found myself unable to put it down. Steven Camden has written a story with so much more depth than you first realize. The relationship between Luke and Leia is beautiful and their backstories are so brilliant and moving, you want to unwrap every secret that lies within them. This book is an emotional roller coaster to say the least and the handwritten and typewritten sections give the book a unique/original feel. Camden also captures the British culture and conversation spectacularly throughout the book. You should read this book, it's brilliant. If you don't, you're missing out. Seriously, you are.

Rating:  **** 1/2

Age Rating: 13+

I'm back!

I've just come back from my holiday and I've decided to make it my mission to start this blog again and make weekly posts. I've read so many great books over the past few months that I would love to share with you all. Not only this, but I will be posting about different topics and tips from time to time. I hope you enjoy what I will post in the upcoming weeks.

Monday 26 January 2015

Liebster Award

Link the person who nominated you
Answer the questions given by the nominator
Nominate 11 other blogs who have less than 200 followers
Create 11 questions for the nominees to answer
Notify all nominees via social media/blogs
Kaytee's Questions
1) Why did you decide you wanted to join the blogging community? I had been inspired by books like "Girl Online and "The Manifesto of Being Interesting"
2) If you could be stuck in an elevator with ANY person, who would it be and why? Evan Peters because well...he's Evan Peters
3) Would you describe yourself as an introvert or an extrovert? A bit of both?
4) You can only watch one TV show for the rest of your life, what do you choose? American Horror Story 
5) Describe your perfect day. I'm not really sure.  
6) Laptop or smartphone? Laptop
7) Describe your dream career: Special Effects Artist
8) If you could re-live any moment in your life, when would it be and why? The times when my nan was still alive, just to talk to her again.
9) Would you ever take part in a reality TV show? If yes, what one? Big Brother
10) Where do you see yourself in 5 years time? Finishing/In Uni
11) Describe your dream date: I've always thought the scene in Little Mermaid where they sing "Kiss the Girl" with the rowing boat seemed a sweet idea but idk

My Nominees:
I don't actually have any because I don't know any other blogs yet but I nominate anyone who sees this post!

Thursday 8 January 2015

Getting accepted into college!

Today, I got accepted into college! Literally so so happy! I'm doing BTEC Art and Design Level 3 Extended Diploma and I'm literally buzzing for college. I just need to get these GCSE's out of the way and then college here I come! :')

Saturday 3 January 2015

Book Review: Horns By Joe Hill

Title: Horns
Author: Joe Hill
Genre: Thriller
Rating: ****1/2
Blurb: Once, Ig lived the life of the blessed: born into privilege, the second son of a renowned musician, the younger brother of a rising late-night TV star. Ig had security and wealth and place in his community. Ig had it all, and more- he had the love of Merrin Williams, a love founded on shared mutual daring, and unlikely midsummer magic.

Then beautiful, vivacious Merrin was gone- raped and murdered, under inexplicable circumstances- and Ig the only suspect. He was never tried for the crime, but in the court of public opinion, he was and always would be guilty.

Now Ig is possessed of horns, and a terrible new power- he can hear people's deepest, darkest secrets- to go with his terrible new look. He means to use it to find whoever killed Merrin and destroyed his life. Being good and praying for the best got him nowhere. It's time for a little revenge, it's time the devil had his due.
Review: This book is now one of my all time favourites. Though not for the fainthearted, Joe Hill has produced an excellent novel. I brought this book because ,just before, I had seen the film trailer of Horns. The storyline drew me in and I'm glad I went through with buying it.

The story follows Ig who is on  a desperate mission to find out who raped and murdered his girlfriend, Merrin. However, Ig is possessed with a power so he can see people's deepest and darkest secrets. This serves as a slightly entertaining part of the novel, where people can't help but spill their ghastly secrets to Ig. The storyline is completely original and I can't fault Joe Hill's writing whatsoever. Also, which I love in a novel, the story has a dramatically, twisted ending. I highly recommend this to people who love horrors/thrillers or just a completely different, twisted novel. I am yet to watch the film version.

Age Rating: 15/16+

Book Review: Girl Online By Zoe Sugg (Aka Zoella)

Title: Girl Online
Author: Zoe Sugg (aka Zoella)
Genre: Teen Fic/ Romance
Rating: ****
Blurb: Penny has a secret.
Under the alias Girl Online, Penny blogs her hidden feelings about friendships, boys, her crazy family and the panic attacks that have begun to take over her life. When things go from bad to worse, her family whisks her away to New York where she meets Noah: a gorgeous, guitar-strumming American. Suddenly Penny is falling in love- and capturing every moment of it on her blog.
But Noah has a secret too. One that threatens to ruin Penny's cover- and her closest friendship- forever.
Review: Firstly, the cover of Girl Online is one of my favourites, It certainly pretties up my bookshelf! Zoella has been one of my favourite vloggers since I was younger so buying her book was a no brainer, The beauty blogger/ newly popular author gave all of her fans a story that any teenage girl would thoroughly enjoy.

Linking her experience of blogging and panic attacks into her story, Zoe creates a unique, heartfelt storyline. Though not the best written, I still highly recommend it. The book follows Penny and her relationships with American Noah and her wacky friendship with her best friend, Elliot. Personally, I feel that this is a beautiful book with an emotional rollercoaster ride to go with it. For Zoella's first book, I think it was a major success. Even if you aren't a fan of Zoella, it doesn't matter. This is a book any teenager should read if they enjoy romances.
Age Rating: 10/11+

Book Review: Ayoade on Ayoade: A Cinematic Odyssey By Richard Ayoade

Title: Ayoade on Ayoade: A cinematic odyssey
Author: Richard Ayoade
Genre: Autobiography/ Humour
Rating: ****
Blurb: In this book Richard Ayoade- actor, writer, director, and amateur dentist- reflects on his cinematic legacy as only he can: in conversation with himself.
Over ten brilliantly insightful and often erotic interviews, Ayoade examines himself fully and without mercy, leading a breathless investigation through the private portals of a visionary.
Only Ayoade can appreciate Ayoade's unique methodology.
Only Ayoade can recognise Ayoade's talent.
Only Ayoade can withstand Ayoade's peculiar scent.
Only Ayoade can truly get inside Ayoade.
Only Ayoade could write Ayoade on Ayoade: A cinematic odyssey. Take the journey, and your life will never be the same again.
Review: This was another book I received on Christmas. Richard Ayoade is one of my favourite comedic actors so I HAD to get this book. You may has seen him on 'The IT Crowd', in the film 'The Watch', on many episodes of '8 out of 10 Cats' and 'The Big Fat Quiz of the Year'. If not, let me just say, he is one of the most peculiar people you will ever encounter. If you have a dry sense of humour, I'm certain you will enjoy this book.
Ayoade interviews himself in the book and has a handy appendix, which you can easily flick back and forth to throughout the book. The book is packed with humour and delves into the crazy mind of Ayoade. At times, the book doesn't really make sense but it doesn't really matter because, at times, neither does Ayoade. So if you're looking for a funny autobiography or want to find out more about Ayoade, this is certainly the book for you.
Age Rating: 14+

Friday 2 January 2015

Book Review: City Of Bones By Cassandra Clare

Title:  City Of Bones
Author: Cassandra Clare
Rating: **** 1/2
Blurb: Sixteen-year-old Clary Fray is an ordinary teenager, who likes hanging out in Brooklyn with her friends. But everything changes the night she witnesses a murder, committed by a group of teens armed with medieval weaponry. The murderous group are Shadowhunters, secret warriors dedicated to driving demons out of this dimension and back into their own. Drawn inexorably into a terrifying world, Clary slowly begins to learn the truth about her family - and the battle for the fate of the world.
Review:  I received this book for Christmas and I'm already eager to buy the next in the series. I was recommended to read The Mortal Instruments series by one of my best friends and I recommend you do the same! I was instantly drawn into the mythical world which Cassandra Clare creates alongside the relationship between Clary and Jace. The book is about a girl named Clary Fray who accidentally stumbles into the world of Shadow hunters which change her life forever. Not only does she discover the world of demons and Shadow hunters, but also about her own past. This is a book for the readers who love to delve into new worlds and read about fantasy or even the readers who love to indulge into a little bit of romance. If you're looking for a new series to get involved in for the new year, I strongly recommend The Mortal Instruments series!
Age Rating: 12+
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New Year! New Start!

Hey everyone!
I haven't used this blog in absolutely ages! But I figured as it's a new year, I should start blogging again! But this year, I will not only give book reviews, but I will also blog about my day to day life as well. I am determined to use this blog as much as possible and log down all of the crazy things which will be happening this year. This year will be one of the most important years of my life and I couldn't think of anything better than sharing it with all of you!

M :)